MEDAN — SEGARIS.CO – The public debate for the 2024 Toba Regent and Deputy Regent Election held at the Emerald Garden Hotel, Medan, Monday (11/18/2024), took place successfully and with full maturity.
This event received high appreciation from the Acting Regent of Toba, Agustinus Panjaitan, who praised the thorough preparation of the Toba Regency General Election Commission (KPU) and the mature attitude of the candidate pairs (paslon) in conveying their ideas.
Three candidate pairs competing in the Toba Pilkada were present to present their visions, missions, and work programs, namely Poltak Sitorus – Anugerah Puriam Naiborhu (number 1), Robinson Sitorus – Tonny M. Simanjuntak (number 2), and Effendi SP Napitupulu – Audi Murphy Sitorus (number 3).
Each pair used the debate to explain their plans in detail to the public.
“The debate went smoothly and was very interesting. I appreciate the Toba Regency KPU who worked hard to prepare this event, as well as the candidate pairs who appeared with in-depth ideas and arguments, delivered in their own style,” said Agustinus when interviewed.
According to Agustinus, the success of this debate reflects the maturity of democracy, both from the candidates and their supporters.
A conducive atmosphere was maintained throughout the event, without any incidents of riots or hate speech.
Although the supporters’ enthusiastic chants echoed after the event, mutual respect was still upheld. The presence of police officers also ensured security throughout the debate.
Discuss strategic issues for the future of Toba
This debate discussed strategic issues that are the main concerns of Toba Regency, including the development of the tourism sector, poverty alleviation, handling stunting, improving infrastructure, customary land issues, management of floating net cages, and optimizing the regional budget.
“The three candidate pairs have presented their work programs comprehensively. This is an opportunity for the public to assess who is most ready to bring positive change to Toba,” said Agustinus.
He also reminded the public of the importance of public participation in the Pilkada which will take place on November 27.
“Use your right to vote wisely. Don’t be influenced by money politics or personal sentiment. Choose a leader who has the capacity to bring Toba Regency in a better direction,” he appealed.
Maintain ASN neutrality,
Increase Voter Participation
Specifically for the ranks of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Agustinus emphasized the commitment to maintain neutrality, in accordance with the mandate of the law.
He also invited the public to jointly monitor the implementation of the Pilkada so that it runs fairly and transparently.
With the number of Permanent Voters List (DPT) of 150,643 people spread across 16 sub-districts and 449 TPS, Agustinus hopes that the level of voter participation can be maximized.
“This debate reflects the spirit of peaceful democracy in Toba. I hope the public can objectively assess who is worthy of leading Toba for the next five years,” he said. [Paber Simanjuntak/***]